
HOMEGIRLS - We have a winner!!!

Congratulations to Nayoun Kim who, after hundreds of votes, has emerged as the winner of the second-annual Leslieville mural competition!  This year, the theme was HOMEGIRLS - or Canadian Heroines.  Kim's winning image depicts Elsie McGill, known as "Queen of the Hurricanes", who was the world's first female aircraft designer.  She worked as an aeronautical engineer during WWII and designed the Maple Leaf Trainer II, which she was never able to fly herself due to crippling polio.

Keep your eyes open at Queen St. E and Hastings Avenue, where the winning image will be hung as a 10'x17' mural for the next year.

Thank you to everyone who voted and came out to support our artists and our community!


EUGENIE DAVIS: Works from 30 Duncan Street

Coming to Pentimento on September 29: Eugenie Davis's solo show entitled "Works from 30 Duncan Street".  Visit us at the official opening reception on October 13!